I was born in Luxembourg and began dancing when I was five years old. After graduating from secondary school, I spent two years in Paris, France, dancing at the IFPRO Rick Odums. I received the Diplôme d'Etat de Professeur de Danse in 1999.

New York City was next, where I graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in Dance (2002, Marymount Manhattan College), followed by a Master of Fine Arts in Dance (2004, Tisch School of the Arts, New York University). In New York, I was able to complement my previous experiences with many great performance, choreography and teaching opportunities, both in the professional realm and in university settings.

I moved to London in 2004 and began working independently as a dancer-choreographer. Writing about art and dance became an important component of my work, and many of my small articles were published in magazines and newspapers. I wrote dance reviews and about community dance for the British magazine Dance Expression from 2005 until 2006. From 2006 until 2008, I was the cultural correspondent from London and New York for Luxembourg's largest newspaper Luxemburger Wort. 

In 2012, I graduated from Birkbeck College, University of London, with a  PhD in Cultural Studies under the supervision of Aura Satz, Birkbeck College, and Deborah Jowitt, New York University. 





The title of my thesis is:  A Question of Interpretation: Form, Context and Meaning in the Dances of Mary Wigman and Anne Teresa de Keersmaeker.

After several years as a freelance choreographer, performer, teacher and writer, my interest in the human body led me to embark on yet a new adventure. In 2019, I was accepted at Charité University Hospital, Berlin, where I have been studying human medicine ever since, expecting to graduate in 2025.

I still regularly teach, choreograph and - occasionally - perform dance.